Thursday, October 30, 2008

Butoh Without Borders

Butoh Without Borders - Multimedia party and launch for Alexander Besher's QR Code sentient T-shirt novel THE MANGA MAN this Halloween. All proceeds to benefit Doctors Without Borders.

Date: October 31, 2008
Time: 6 - 9pm
Location: Arte Moviemiento SUB Mission, 2183 Mission at 18th Street
A true Mission alternative space w/stage, AV sound system, back patio with historic murals on 150-year old towering brick walls! Easy BART access at 16th & Mission. Paid parking lot between 19th & 20th Mission.
Admission: $15 or sliding scale or free at door
Attire: Costumes, especially Butoh or cyber-fetish, are encouraged but not required.

Website(s): (premieres Oct. 31) (going online soon) (synopsis of 'The Manga Man' in 'Coming Soon')

Sci-fi novelist and futurist Alexander Besher is releasing his latest novel 'The Manga Man' via QR/2D barcode on a limited edition T-shirt, in partnership with mobile platform pioneer

Multimedia available through the barcode includes a link to the full text of the novel (for mobile phone or web browser), a reading selection from 'The Manga Man,' neo-silent film inspired by 'Manga Man' directed by Nara Denning, videography by Maria Karpoukhina, original tracks by composer William Collin Snavely aka Diagram of Suburban Chaos, and more.

View a premiere of the video book trailer, live electro-techno music by Best Friend, a fashion show happening of Butoh-inspired wear by Picky Studio, sales of the limited edition 'book on a T-shirt' (American Apparel, design by prize-winning Italian graphic novel artist Daniele Serra; $30 value retail),
Butoh-themed video installation by Maria Karpoukina, a raffle giveaway of a Nokia smartphone, a QR Code scanning demonstration on mobile phone, a special reading from 'The Manga Man.' Soft drinks and light refreshments including La Meditteranean-catered Middle Eastern hors oeuvres will be served. A bar will also be set up, first drink on the house courtesy of Arte Movimiento, they charge afterwards for wine and beer.

Special guests: Butoh dance performance featuring members of the Bare Bones Butoh and SF Butoh LAB collectives.
Event to be videographed for future documentary.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Leave Judgment Behind

From Yoga Journal Daily Insight: This one is so important to me...

When situations make us feel uneasy, we often blame ourselves or others. But if we learn to discern rather than judge, we begin to see our feelings for what they really are. You can't win with your inner judge: It even judges itself for judging. Sometimes that judgmental state feels like a sword driven right into the delicate fabric of your consciousness.

Any feelings of love, relaxation, or peace that you might have been nurturing are chopped to bits. Whether you're judging others or yourself, it's impossible to aim negative judgments in any direction without experiencing the sharp edges of judgment within yourself. Doubly so, in fact, since the faults we judge most harshly in other people usually turn out to be our own negativities projected outward.

Judgment Calls

Breathing for Relaxation

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I had a mini-meltdown last night. I've been preparing for my 20 min talk for certification in holistic health. I'm talking about something so deep and personal it's going to be intense for me. However I want to do it because it's going to be of great value and healing. But resistance comes up and I think it's because my father is going to be there, along with his wife and my husband. It's nothing that my husband hasn't heard, but my dad isn't the emotional type. He also moved out when I was 11, when my parents divorced. I saw him a lot, it's just during those years he wasn't there, so much stuff went on for me. This is something I've wanted to share with him, it's just going to be a room full of people!
I'm better today, still a little jittery though. I really can't wait for this class and program to be over. I know I'll get so much out of doing this talk, it's so scary.....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Make time for downtime

From Yoga Journal Daily Insight:

We live in a society that promotes busyness: Work to get to the top of your field! Cook gourmet meals from scratch! Stay fit! Volunteer! It's often a struggle to find just a moment of downtime. And as we become busier and busier, even the activities that bring us joy can feel like just one more thing to do.

So, how do we bring balance into our hectic lives? Often, we look for some external solution that can make us better, stronger, more spiritual, or happier. But the search itself can leave us feeling busier, more stressed, and ultimately, less fulfilled. The real key to finding balance is to focus internally and listen to what's inside.

Achieving balance can be as simple as taking regular moments to connect with yourself. Do something that turns your awareness inward. Whether that means a walk in nature, a nap, or a two-minute meditation, your inner cue will be unique from that of others—the essential part is to honor your body's messages.

Back in Balance

Turn the Volume Up or Down to Tune into Your Practice

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Reason to De-Stress

Timothy McCall is a physician and medical editor of Yoga Journal magazine. I had the pleasure and honor of taking a workshop with him last January on Repetitive Stress Injury. He's got so much info on how to maintain stress in your life.....

From Yoga Journal Daily Insight

You might equate a stress-related health problem with a minor upset stomach or a tension headache. But physician and Yoga Journal medical editor Timothy McCall warns that stress may also fuel chronic illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. "If you are continually stressed, you leave the door open to a variety of health conditions," McCall says. Yoga is an effective stress reducer. Here are McCall's tips for using your practice for that purpose.

Focus on your breath. The ancient yoga masters taught that moving and breathing with awareness quiet the mind. When we stop ruminating and our inner monologue slows, we tend to experience relaxation and a feeling of being centered.

Practice restorative poses and forward bends. Both are thought to calm the nervous system. Use blankets, pillows, and bolsters to support you in the poses.

Be consistent. Long-term, regular practice will encourage a sense of inner peace that will last throughout your day.

Shift Stress into Low Gear

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I hope I get over these jitters about graduating now and over with! We have to do these 20 min talks and some of us got to practice our introductions last night in class. These have to be memorized which mine wasn't but oh well. My topic hits such a personal space for me I began to cry and show emotion. I was so grateful to have so much support in the room in front of me. It truly was a breakthrough for me and I got great feedback from everyone. I couldnt' go to sleep right away last night, so now that leaves me pretty spent, but energetic to really practice my talk. My biggest fear my whole life was showing "me"-being seen. My intention is to be truly authentic and express from that place of truth and emotion. I will accept myself with anything that comes up and be grateful and appreciative. feels good.....

Monday, October 13, 2008

New stuff is good stuff

So many changes have come, gone or are still in the process. I feel change is always happening. We have mini-deaths and mini-births happening simultaneously without even realizing it. I'm enjoying my new teaching position at 24 hour fitness! I never though I'd find myself teaching in a gym, let alone using it! I always had a judgement about gyms because my first experience was at college and it was always a big fashion show everytime I went there (it was also free too). I was also in a different head space back then (7 years ago) and compared myself to all the skinny girls wearing themselves out on the treadmills. Exercise is so important, not just for your physical health, but mental health as well. I feel now when I go to the gym, I'm going for me and there happens to be a bunch of other people going as well, but for their own reasons and desires.

I also will be changing my Daly City yoga classes around a bit and even adding workshops in here and there. Although I would love to add another day in Daly City, I will be starting massage school in January so I'm alternating a new class on the Monday I usually teach at War Memorial. First session of the year 2009 will be Beginning and then the next session will be a continuation of Yoga Beginnng. It will switch back and forth. I feel a lot of my regular students (and me!) need to progress and grow in their yoga practice. It's going to be fun and different. For this December, Relaxation Yoga for the Holidays, a 4 week series. It's for everyone to escape or take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

So, yes, a lot of stuff, but good stuff! I'll also be graduating from the Holistic Health program at World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts the weekend of November 7th! I look forward to supporting people as a Holistic Health Coach in getting what they want; helping them live their optimum lifestyle; offering nutritional support and lots of other wonderful, juicy things. My yoga training and background has also been a wonderful suppport for me through this whole process and I can't wait to share w/ everyone!

All the best,