Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scream it out...literally!

I wanted to share this article about letting your anger out.  In our society, we're taught to hold back our emotions in most situations.  But don't forget that you're ALLOWED to release it.  It's healthy to shout and scream your anger and frustrations.  Sometimes I do it in the shower or into a pillow.  It's great when you're alone, but if you're not, just let whoever know that you need to blow off some steam. It may seem like they're put off by it, but it's totally okay to scream it out, and who knows, maybe they could too.  So, express it. Release it from your body because that's usually where it gets stored and ends up causing blockage in places of the body.  Read more in the article(s) below where it talks about a yoga pose dedicated to this concept.  Try Lion Pose! 

Roar Out Stress

Ever feel so stressed that you wanted to scream? A good shout can literally help you blow off steam, releasing pent-up frustrations and leaving you spent, relaxed, and calm. We are often taught, in our society, to hold all our emotions in and to betray no trace of frustration or exhaustion. But it can be much healthier just to let it out!
In yoga we sometimes mimic the roar of a lion in particular, but any roar or shout will help you reduce stress throughout the day. Some good places to try this include the shower, in traffic, or in the privacy of your bedroom. If others are around, it's helpful to alert them first—because it can sound alarming! And if you're driving, of course, make sure to watch the road as you sound your lungs.
Read the full articles:


Anonymous said...

i'm totally with you... i did a blog entry about some good frustration release exercises recently...


some other good things to add to what you have here, in honor of our overworked liver!

Unknown said...

Yes, thank you! I did some releasing of my own one day last week while doing yin yoga. it was a sequence for the liver and gallbladder! Great stuff!