I love what this blog says about setting and creating intentions for the New Year: Find Your Way, Taking Your Own Advice In The New Year | Green Life | Yoga Blog | Yoga Journal.
I definitely have some, I just need to write them down, which always makes it more real and genuine for me. In other words, my idea is that if I write it down and say it out loud (to myself or others), it will happen. A friend of mine mentioned that 2010 was about obstacles and 2011 is about building a foundation. I guess you can interpret that any way you'd like. For me, 2010 had many obstacles, both big and small. I'm hoping 2011 will be about allowing things to happen that I've dreamed of, wanted and desired.
Being clear is very important to me. It has a lot to do with being honest and authentic with myself. In the past, I wasn't always true to myself with my emotions and needs. Now, I honor my emotions when they surface, instead of tensing and pushing them away. The more I do this, the more clear I am about choices and decisions.
So take a moment to yourself. Close your eyes. Take three effortless, belly breaths. Track and feel the sensations in your body. What comes up? What do your thoughts say? What do your emotions say to you? The answers are there within us if we take a moment and listen.
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