Thursday, August 2, 2012

At Home

As I practice yoga more and more these days, I love how my mind will connect to a body part and then figure out what else the body part can do while in the pose.

I've also realized how I practice regularly more when I'm going through transition.  Since relocating to Albany, NY, it's been quite a change of scenery.  I find that I write (and have written) a lot about change, shifts and transitions in my blog, or post/repost something on facebook about it.  I guess I'm just REALLY appreciating my yoga practice right now, and my intention within this transition is connection and compassion.

Connection is for connecting back into my body when I get too much in my head about things.  Compassion is for when I hit rough waters along the journey, so I can allow myself to feel the emotions, be okay with it, and move on.

I talked to a friend last night about how I want to step out of my comfort zone more.  Whether in baby steps or bigger steps, I want to grow in my creativity and community.  I'm thinking of ways I can do more of that.  For instance, I emailed a healing/yoga space about teaching yoga there and got a response from them wanting to meet me.  I also want to create more patience and trust as I put these desires out there into the Universe.  If it's something I really want and can visualize it, then I can trust it will show up.

I have also been dancing in the outdoors, which has reconnected me with nature.  Something I had wanted to do in the past, and now it's happening!

So as I connect with my surroundings and bring that onto the mat, I'm starting to feel more at home.  Home in the literal sense, but also more at home with myself.  Moving is a big change, and the compassion I hold for myself will make the transition a bit easier.

On that note, I am grateful.  Grateful for my fun and loving husband; Grandma for providing a warm, welcoming place to stay; yoga for it's healing tools; and the rain for its cleansing and purifying qualities.

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