Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Neal's Yard Remedies Facial Party!

I will be hosting a Neal Yard's Remedies facial party on Sunday, June 5 from 2:00pm-4:00pm and I want you to come!

In the past 3 years or so, it's been very important to me to know what exactly I'm putting into my body, as well as on my body, to reduce toxic overload/build-up. Neal Yard's Remedies (NYR) products are free of chemicals, synthetic fragrances and additives/preservatives, and they don't test on animals :) In other words, they're made from natural ingredients from the earth.

So, I invite you to check out my link:, and read the "About Us" section. This will tell you more about why I love these products so much and want to share the benefits with you.

This is going to be a fun event, and there's no obligation to buy anything. Just try it out. The facial party will be held at my friend and colleague's house in Daly City:
538 Winchester Street, Daly City, CA 94014.
BART (Daly City) and 280 N/S are down the hill
Street parking is also available

Let me know if you'll be attending and bringing anyone with you because you're so welcome to do so. The more the merrier!
Also, there are some sales going as well: Buy 3 get a 4th free until May 31, AND Summer Sale Now-July 31 20% off everything!

Let me know if you have any questions. Email

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Be Kind to Yourself: Taking time for self-care

In the past, I used to be sooooo hard on myself, especially the times when I said I was going to do something, and then forgot about it or just didn't do it. At the time, I didn't know why. But in the past 2 years learning about the Power of Intention and being more authentic and true to myself, I realized that if you want something to happen and it feels good in your body and whole being, it will happen or you will do it. It may not happen right away, and it depends on what it is. I would put such high expectations on myself, or tell myself things that really weren't true. For instance, if I didn't practice yoga an hour a day I wasn't good enough to be a yoga teacher. When I read that statement now, I say, "Come on!" Now, I look at the big picture. I look through a set of eyes with a wider vision. Also, we all forget to do things, even if we had the best intentions. It's okay! If someone gets upset with you about it, it's not you. It's their own frustrations and stories coming out. Be kind to yourself! Take a step back, ground your feet into the earth and breathe. Is the world really going to fall apart if you forgot/didn't do this or that?

No, really. I want you to ask that question to yourself when you find yourself getting reactive. I do ALL THE TIME.

A great way to not overwhelm yourself and your day is that when you make that "to-do list", after you have read it through, ask yourself, "is this do-able?" You may need to edit the list down a little, or just do the most important task that needs to be done, such as pay rent, bills, etc. On my daily lists, I always put down something for self-care. Something that will nurture my whole being: mind, body and spirit, so I feel grounded and energized to do the next thing or the things I love to do. This could be: take 5 minutes sitting quietly and breathe; write four things you're grateful for right now in your life; listen to or read something inspirational; do 5-10 minutes of stretches/yoga; listen to some music; or go for a walk. It can be anything. If you work 9-5, set aside certain times of the day, where you leave your desk and go to a quiet, private spot, even if it's your car! I always recommend this to my students and clients, especially those who have jammed, packed days or who tend to forget about their own needs throughout their day. The more we ignore what our bodies tell us, the more dis-ease can manifest.

As one of my yoga teachers, Joe Naudzunas said, "if you can find the time to brush your teeth, you can find the time to do some yoga poses." It sounds so simple. But you'll find that the more you take care of yourself, the more ease and flow will be your day, everyday.


Monday, May 16, 2011


Oh my! I can't wait for vacation this week. It's been a long time since I had a real vacation. This isn't a going-back-home-to-visit-family vacation, I'm actually going somewhere different and beachy! To me, when you're on vacation the weather is very warm, even hot. You get to wear sandals all the time, sun dresses, bathing suits; you're sitting by the pool or ocean; you eat out and outside; then you sit outside with whoever and wherever you're staying with a beer or margarita. There are no obligations; only your purpose for being on vacation.

My destinations:

Thursday-Sunday: Butoh Conference and Symposium at UCLA

Sunday (eve)-Thursday (eve): Newport Beach, CA

Friday a.m.-Monday a.m.: Punk Rock Bowling Festival in Las Vegas

Those are the destinations. The way I choose to spend the time is up to me. Lots of fun, connection, creativity, and R & R. It's so close, I feel like I'm already there.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More accomplishments and celebrations

Although I didn't entirely complete my intentions for April, I've accomplished more than I thought. I did call the NY State Education Dept and get info about transferring my massage hours there, so that was great and, also relieving! I also partially finished the questions on "Culivating your own practice", so there's another check+.

I also accomplished more with my massage program hours at the New Living Expo last weekend. It was a wonderful event, full of inspirational speakers, classes, and exhibitors, ranging from raw food enthusiasts to psychics and other healers. My school had a booth so I volunteered and tacked on some hours to my program, plus got free admission to the Expo too! So, Woo Hoo to that! In addition, I completed my biz 1 module on Wednesday, when I made up a class I missed, which was the BEST one I got to attend. There were three speakers, who came to talk to the students about opening up a healing center and being an entrepreneur in the healing arts. I got so much information and inspiration from these speakers, I didn't know what to do with myself after the class. I felt more clear about some things about what I wanted my healing practice to look like. Being very clear and honest with what you want will get you there so much quicker! I think this is totally true with anything you're passionate about.

One more thing I want to celebrate is having a mellow weekend ahead of me. I don't have a lot of obligations, and I can really take it at any pace I want. The pace I chose: slow. I'm all about the present these days, so slow works so much better.

Have a great weekend!