Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Transform Unhealthy Desires

I feel like I do this all the time or not enough of the time! Ha! that's how it goes sometimes. But I know I'm much more present with my emotions, needs and desires than I have ever been. For instance, right now, I know I have a touch of candida (yeast build-up in the digestive system). I know I over-indulged this past week and weekend in comfort foods, sweets and processed foods. I'm pretty good about staying clear of it, but there was a lot going on last week, so I resorted to grabbing this and that to-go which consisted of muffins, bagels, crackers and other high carby, sugary foods. I love it and you know, we all love it! But I do question myself as to how is this benefiting me? or others? Even with other aspects of our lives, acknowledging our desires and impulses. What is it that I really want here? Especially when I feel irritated or frustrated. This article will be a great theme for my next newsletter because it's been such a huge theme in my life. Why do I have a sense of urgency when doing things? What's the rush?

(From daily insight)

Every once in a while we all are faced with nagging temptations that take over our thoughts and plague us with an uncontrollable urge to do something we know isn't healthy for us. When those times come—whether it's an impulse to eat an entire bag of potato chips or a desire to say something nasty to a coworker—yogic philosophy tells us to acknowledge our desires, focusing on the emotions that fuel them.

Once you've identified your emotions and how they make you feel, ask yourself what it means in the context of your life. Examine how following the desire will affect you and those around you. Ask yourself: Is the desire beneficial to other people as well as to myself? Could it be hurtful? What will I have to give up to follow this desire? Does it take me closer to my higher Self, or will it create more barriers between my soul and myself? What will I have to give up if I don't follow it? What do I really want by getting what I want? When you've discovered what you really want, voice it, make it an intention, and strive for it in your everyday.

I Want It So Bad
Gotta Have It?

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