Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bring Balance Home

Why do you do yoga? If you just started, or are thinking about it, what inspired you? If you don't practice yoga, what tools do you use to create a sense of balance for yourself? I loved reading this article because it's such a nice reminder for me. When I go too long without practicing, my body feels it, emotionally and physically. When I've REALLY gone too long, I feel really disconnected with myself. That's the reason I always go back to the mat. I always find something new or something I had put aside for another time. I feel we all are striving for some form of balance in our life, whether we know it or not.

After receiving some amazing energy and bodywork the other day, my theme came out to be "Integration". This means all the tools have in movement, dance, yoga, coaching and massage, and being able to mesh them together in a business. Perhaps that's why I call my biz "Moving Yogi"? There's always a constant flow of these tools and teachings within me that may surface more than the other. I've been realizing that over the past year, especially since I've added massage to box. Of course, there's a lot of mind chatter that wants to impede on this journey, this realization, which is fine and Thank you, Mind Chatter! But I know what's real, what feels good and what's right to me in my path. As for this article's theme and title, "Bring Balance Home", I literally want to bring it home to me, within me and around me. I can use yoga and meditation to access this and help others access it. I want to integrate yoga and coaching, yoga and dance, yoga and massage, massage and coaching, massage and movement, etc., etc., etc.........


(From daily insight)

There's a reason we refer to our yoga as "practice": It's an opportunity to practice whatever qualities we want to see more of in our lives. Sometimes we do yoga to cultivate patience, clarity, or bravery. Other times, our list is more tangible: We want a strong upper body, increased energy, or open hips. The reasons we practice inevitably change as we go through career moves, love affairs, pregnancies, and other life transitions.

They also change from day to day. Developing a personal yoga practice allows us to devise a specific program to give ourselves what we really need at any given time. We get on the mat whenever we can, for whatever length of time, in whatever amount of space is available to us. This practical approach is a first step toward integrating yoga into everyday life.

Today, why not try unrolling your mat and practicing a little on your own. Even if it's just for 15 minutes at a time, the work you do at home will strengthen your practice by making you a more conscious and independent yoga practitioner. Even if you prematurely give up on a pose that makes you feel uncomfortable or forget a sequence you're working on, each small home practice session will help you build up to a longer, more meaningful home practice.

Why Do We Practice?
Bringing Your Practice Home

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