Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year

The new year has me dazzled! I love the fact that I get to start fresh. I don't really plan anything on the eve of the new year, but last year my life coach had me acknowledge and write down 10 things I am grateful and/or appreciate about the past year. I made this into a regular routine, of course, but it really gave me a sense of peace with myself. I had my husband participate as well. I hope to do more workshops, whether it be yoga, movement or with my support group. I already have an opportunity coming up for February through 24 hr Fitness where I teach yoga, so it's already happening! I hope to pay off debt which is already in progress, but I hope to see a CHUNK come off of that. Also, completion with my massage program so I can begin to really transition my careers. This has me feeling both excited and nervous, but I feel it's time to take the plunge. the next step.

Let's be excited about the new year! joyful, joyous, happy, dazzled, peaceful, surprised, reflective, appreciated, appreciation, supportive....continue to add on whatever feeling comes into your body. Feel it and then express it. Be present to what's happening inside of you so you can be with others.

Happy New Year!

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