Thursday, November 18, 2010

National Revolt Against TSA – National Opt Out Day Nov. 24th

I read this post from a list I subscribe to, The Eco-Herbalista. They shared the referenced article below, which is about a revolt against TSA, the security team you encounter at the airport before getting to your gate. It really made me feel disgusted, uncomfortable, violated, and helpless. The fact that they're doing everything they can to have passengers go through a Naked Body Scanner, which exposes you to radiation; and/or a "pat down", which enables them to even touch sexual organs!

But as I read on, I felt a little more empowered by what we can do to take action. It really comes down to using your voice and being as authentic in your position as possible, especially if you feel this violates your human rights. One of things the TSA officers may do if you choose to Opt Out is to make an example of you to create fear for the other passengers. Click on the link below to read about their agenda.

I urge you to read this article because I feel apart of our human rights is being violated tremendously. As much as I want to be safe when traveling by airplane, I feel this is going a little too far.

National Revolt Against TSA – National Opt Out Day Nov. 24th

1 comment:

SPN Headlines said...

Hi Liz!

The TSA's new Program to Examine Random Voyagers (PERV) attracted a lot of slimy characters to work for them - SHOCKING story at:

Peace! :-)