Thursday, November 11, 2010

Taking a time-out

I know I've probably blogged about this in the past, but it's come up again, and it must be acknowledged.

I had gotten back into the habit of overloading my schedule. The alarm that went off was my low-energy, and being too-tired-to-do-the-fun-things-I-want-to-do! I have to thank my husband for pointing this out to. Thank you, Joe! I love you!

I really don't know why I fell back into the habit/pattern again. I began putting too high of expectations onto myself to get things done. I overestimated my time and energy because I was so happy with completing my massage program. Although, I have finished all my classroom hours and more than half of my clinic hours, it made me want to be Speedy Gonzalez about it! I'm not young nor old for that matter, but my pace in certain areas have changed and I need to honor that. I still work the 9-5 M-F job, and I need to decompress from that as well.

But I find it interesting that there was this part of me resisting to step back. This "old" part of me saying, "If you stop doing it, you're a failure"; "If you take a break, you'll lose the skills you learned"; "There's not enough time, so I should just quit." In the past, I used to think that was true, but now, it's total BULLSHIT! Thank you chatter for sharing all that! My conscious self distinguished it from what is really true, that there's plenty of time; I'm completing the program in a healthy way; and I am a great teacher and massage therapist! Of course, in the moment, it was confusing me when I was hearing this chatter because I really knew it wasn't true in my heart.

It's difficult to bring yourself out of the negative. I'm so grateful for the support I have around me because I really couldn't have done it without them. Sometimes you need that certain person to put it to another way, and BOOM! It all makes sense. I'm grateful for my yoga and meditation practice because it allowed to go inside myself, where the answers are. I feel a more sense of ease in my body; grounded; and compassion.

I create my path.


Stella said...

I was in San Fran this weekend and thought of you. Maybe next time we can meet up for yoga or tea or both!

Unknown said...

Yes,let's definitely meet up next time! :-)