Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have learned that when I want something I need to write or talk about it. Creation and manifestation is happening all the time. I just joined this support group that was created for individuals who want to improve their wealth/abundance esteem. We all have our stories and beliefs about wealth, so our first meeting was how we define wealth and what is it to us. Lots of stuff both similar and different came out such as consistency, freedom, comfort, sharing. It wasn't necessarily about material things, but of course that does come up for people because there are "things" they would like to have in their lives. I know for me it's a sense of freedom and having that freedom to share with others. I know from the list, it's a combination of all of them.

As I was sitting at my desk about 15 minutes ago, I was thinking about my yoga teaching and where I want to go with it. There are so many avenues, it can get overwhelming sometimes. I want to create a style of yoga teaching that supports people wherever they're at. I guess that's why I call myself "MovingYogi" because we're constantly in flow and motion. I love to teach about being in the present; feeling what I and you feel right at this moment if you're in a yoga pose or not. Then again we are in some form of a pose if we stop and notice. So when someone comes up to me and asks me, "what kind of yoga you teach?", I usually go into a little rant about my training background. I know that can lose people's interest. I've been teaching for almost 5 years now, nonstop, and along the way have picked up other tools for myself and others. So how do I present that? how do I word that? I want it to feel true, honest and exciting. I want others to feel it too. So let the brainstorming and networking begin.....

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