Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kicking Caffeine

Not that I'm ready to do this, but it's something that I've toyed with and pondered for many years. I'm definitely off the coffee, but still drink green and black teas. I love the herbal ones, but only drink those in the afternoon and evening. I know it's gonna be tough to get off caffeine. I can already feel the headaches and moodiness. However, this article from yoga journal emphasizes that one should gradually decrease their caffeine intake instead of cold turkey which is where all those nasty side effects bombard your body. I'm definitely not ready to give up my chai tea in the morning, but would consider going the route that they've presented in the article.

Quitting Time
Kick your caffeine habit naturally with these herbal remedies.


1 comment:

swirled said...

Hey Liz...found your blog from anissa's site. Just want to say that I know you can do it! I used to be a huge caffeine addict, especially when working at Peet's coffee. I decided to give it up about 4 or 5 months ago, didn't really make it that big a thing in my mind but just started drinking black tea and eventually just found that I didn't feel the need anymore. I still allow myself a latte here and there, but it's something that I get to savor now instead of feel that I have to have. Good luck!
- Katie