Friday, May 22, 2009

Neck and Shoulder Projects

I have been doing my best to not get down or negative about it. But I did something to my left neck and shoulder area. There's definitely some space to create there I just seem to diminish it. A few weeks back, I was at the gym doing arm stuff and it started after that. Then I got a massage that day and I feel like it made it worse. However, within a week, the inflammation starts to go down. But when I do arm stuff at the gym that seems to aggravate it.

So I'm thinking that I need to lay off the arm stuff because it's possible I did something incorrect with the weights.

However, being a Holistic Health Practitioner, I know there's "other" stuff going on. Some old, buried emotions and traumas that aren't serving me anymore. I got some support from friends and colleagues about it and even my therapist. We did an exercise around this project and I had a release in our session. I realize how hard it is to really love myself and be gentle with myself around time. I've always had stuff going on in my 3rd and 4th chakras (solar plexus and heart chakras). Feelings of powerlessness around time and anger toward myself. Lately, I've just been feeling like there's not enough time or I'm not giving time to myself. It's like I've forgotten. Then I feel like I have to rush to get somewhere, even though I know for a fact I have hours to get there or do it.

After we did this exercise, I felt more space in that area and throughout my body. It's like my circulatory system undid a clog! I'm taking an anti-inflammatory during the day at least to help me through the day, but I don't like taking those things for too long. I may go to my acupuncturist and see what he says.

Also being a yoga teacher can put some strain on it, but I've chosen to not practice many arm weight-bearing poses for a couple weeks. Maybe some gentle stretches to release whatever's going on there. I'm just working on giving the area as much love as possible. And love to myself.


swirled said...

Thanks for sharing Liz! I can definitely identify and I think it's so beautiful that you really took the time to explore what was/is going on there. I always feel like I am too hard on myself and know that we all just owe ourselves a lot of compassion and love.

Unknown said...

It's so true. I think by nature we all want to be better people and tend to be hard on ourselves due to high expectations. Thanks for your comments!