Monday, May 24, 2010

The Prosperity Game

I've been playing this game called "The Prosperity Game."  I found it in Esther Hick's book, Ask and It is Given.  Since a lot of stuff has come up around money, a friend of mine suggested this. 

The game goes like this: 

Create a fake checkbook or spreadsheet (I've been using excel).  On the first day, deposit $1000 into your "play" bank account, then spend it on whatever you like, but be specific.  On  the second day, deposit $2000 and spend it; then on the third, $3000; then so on and so on until you get up to $50,000, which will equal out to 50 days.  You want to notice how you feel every time you write a check or how you spend the money.  Eventually, it helps you be more comfortable with spending money in general. You can play the game as many times as you want.  The key aspect to this game is to be specific as to what you're spending.  For instance, instead of just spending $400 on a plane ticket, where are you going?  I wrote Hawaii one time and then Portland, Oregon for another.  Another time I specifically indicated I spent $90 on a pair of Keen flat shoes, instead of just shoes. The game also has to do with the Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing.

I know I don't allow myself to enjoy spending my money.  Whenever I get my paycheck or other income, I almost yell at myself for wanting to spend it on something fun, instead of bills.  I should spend it on bills.  But I know that has to be done, so why can't I feel good about that? 

I could be grateful for whatever money comes in and when I spend it on bills or a fun get-away to Hawaii, I will be grateful about either one of them! It's like I let the money control ME, instead of ME controlling the money. Ha ha ha, what a realization that was!

The game continues.....

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