Thursday, May 20, 2010

Those money stories

I got stuck in my money story again.  My husband and I had a financial discussion last night, and no matter how much they suck, it had to be done.  Everyone has a money story, or a money program.  My money story is called "I'm never going to get ahead and there's never enough."  I think my money program is called Mom's scary money program.  Who knows? We all get our money stories from what we experienced around us growing up.  I know I heard random things about money come out of my parents mouths, which what they probably got from their parents and so on.  There's no one to blame. It happens.  I lived with my mom after my parents divorced, but my dad was still very much involved in my life.  I'm still working with my money stories and may not have them set-in-stone, but I have an idea.

I guess seeing my mom take care of everything in her life and mine (up until I was 18 and went to college) gave me this story that you have to struggle to keep up.  You can't always spend how you want, when you want.  I was lucky through college to have both my parents pay for my education and my dad pay for my housing. All I had to take care of was food and whatever bills I had, which wasn't a lot.  Then after college, I got a job and could totally deal.  I never went on credit card spending spree ever! I saw friends do it and it didn't appeal to me.  Then again, I was in a different experience then they were. Of course, as you get older, you want more things and want to go to different places. I moved to San Francisco, an expensive city like New York.  Things came up such as changing jobs, trainings and programs I wanted to take which accumulated over time.  Marriage, etc.  Then mis-management with finances happens and you get stuck. 

So I don't know where I'm going with this and it may be I'm writing this more for myself, but I think it's good to look at how we experience money in our lives.  We can learn and support each other,instead of judging or complaining about it.  I started to seek support in my own community, which has helped tremendously.  Although my husband and I are working together on this, I still need some of that outside insight. 

what are your money stories? how do you generally feel about money?  how did your parents view money?

I would love to hear comments! 

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