Friday, June 18, 2010

A VERY Happy Birthday to me!

June 16 was my birthday and it was very happy.  I took the day off from work, which was very necessary.  I think everyone should have their birthday off to do whatever they want to do for themselves.  I mean it is probably one of the most important days of your life!  You were born! Celebrate it!

I decided for my birthday I was going to pamper and nurture myself.  I started my day having a relaxing, quiet morning with my husband (who also took the day off! I love you, Joe!) drinking tea and eating breakfast.  Then I had a massage at 11:15 a.m. It was originally at 11:00 a.m. and scheduled for 90 min, but, due to some last minute schedule conflicts, they could only give me an hour. Instead of getting huffy about it, I was understanding to the spa receptionist, explained it was my birthday, and ended up getting $10 off. So everyone won!  The massage was EXACTLY what I needed.  I literally melted into the table.

Then Joe picked me up and we went to Best Buy.  I received some birthday money from family, so I bought the Nintendo Wii.  I can't remember the last time I bought a "toy" for myself. Something really fun.  After the pampering I got from the massage, it was time to nurture my inner child and buying the Wii was a great start.  We met up with my friend, Sarah at the SF Giants County Fair, a mini carnival with rides, games and carnival food.  We went on the swings, which is always fun because it lets you be that little kid and start yelling things like ,"Weeeeeeee! and Yaaaayyyy!" We viewed the petting zoo, which was a  little depressing so I won't go into that.  The best part was the Bumper Cars.  I was laughing so hard I couldn't control that car for the life of me.  Then you look at your friends and they're laughing so hysterically, you just do the same.  Lastly, we ended with a sno cone, which, for some reason I couldn't keep off of me. Then again, I was wearing a white shirt; maybe not the best idea. 

Now on a sugar-water high, we walked along the bay looking out at AT&T Park.  It was a gorgeous day.  What more could I ask for!

Something definitely shifted inside me after this day.  It's as though my inner child had been screaming for attention for a long time, and I finally let everything else go to acknowledge and nurture it.  For the past few years, a lot of shifting has occurred in my life, and sometimes we forget those simple, little things that are so big.  Even though, we're a certain age, it shouldn't stop us from showing our inner child.  I turned 32, but I allowed myself to be 12 and even younger.  Yes, things have happened to us in our childhood that may have left scars behind, or wounds that may have been left opened.  I know I've reopened some of those wounds in order to heal from certain events from my childhood, but the most healing was I got to be fun, playful, giddy, excited, surprised and child-like again.  I didn't once worry about anything "grown-up." Why not do this more often. 

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