Friday, June 17, 2011

Gratitude to the MAX

I'm so grateful for all the birthday wishes I got yesterday. I really love facebook for that! It really makes you feel so special and popular when all the people you know in your life write wonderful things on your personal wall. It really made my day.

I'm also grateful for my husband, and all that I have: an apartment near Golden Gate Park, a great job, my cats, my car, my family. I was reading a post from one of the blogs I follow this morning and it was about loving everything that you have already in your life, and focusing on the good things. It was a great reminder, even though everyday I focus on at least one thing going well, I can find myself focusing on what I don't have or what's bad on some days. At least I can catch myself now when it happens. I can refocus and redirect my attention, and if it's difficult I get support from my wonderful community. We all fall into that every now and then, and it's okay! Sometimes we have to be in the funky feelings to get to the more joyous feelings. Allow yourself the space and time, but also be aware of how long the funky ones last.

What are you grateful for in your life?

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