Thursday, October 23, 2008

Leave Judgment Behind

From Yoga Journal Daily Insight: This one is so important to me...

When situations make us feel uneasy, we often blame ourselves or others. But if we learn to discern rather than judge, we begin to see our feelings for what they really are. You can't win with your inner judge: It even judges itself for judging. Sometimes that judgmental state feels like a sword driven right into the delicate fabric of your consciousness.

Any feelings of love, relaxation, or peace that you might have been nurturing are chopped to bits. Whether you're judging others or yourself, it's impossible to aim negative judgments in any direction without experiencing the sharp edges of judgment within yourself. Doubly so, in fact, since the faults we judge most harshly in other people usually turn out to be our own negativities projected outward.

Judgment Calls

Breathing for Relaxation

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For me, I judge myself the most which says a lot for all b/c how we see ourselves reflect onto others.