Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Being gentle with yourself

Have you ever really been gentle with yourself about anything in your life? I know I haven't, but it's definitely getting started. We all have different personalities, goals and ambitions in life which is great. That's what makes us who we are. But what I've realized in my own life is how "non-gentle" I have been towards myself. For instance, being hard on myself about everything I do, from the tasks I do at my job to cleaning the toilet!

After finishing Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy Level 2 this past month, I have gotten used to being gentle with myself. When emotional things come up and/or I get triggered by something someone said or did, I stop and give myself space by breathing and being with the emotions. I don't judge it or criticize myself for feeling this way or that. It's just the way it is.

So when we got let out early on Sunday, I decided I was going to do whatever made me happy. I spent time with my husband, went and got ice cream from Ben & Jerry's and lounged on the couch watching movies. I knew I had other things I "should" be doing, but I was like, "Fuck it!" I need this time to process, relax and reboot myself after such a busy, emotional weekend. I woke up on Monday feeling great! I never feel energized on Mondays and this was the first time in a LONG time I did. I have to thank myself RIGHT NOW that I took the time to be gentle with myself with everything I'm doing. Hell! I work full time, go to massage school and teach a private yoga session once a week. There must be time for me!

It's good to stop and ask yourself what you want and what you need. are you always constantly going to one thing and then the next? or are you stopping in between to breath and be still? do you self-acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments? And they can be the littlest of things which, to me, are really big. For instance, wow! I want to acknowledge myself for allowing myself to sleep in an extra 30 minutes this morning. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for today?

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