Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Universe takes care of me and us!

I wanted to share something that's been manifesting for me. In the past, I have been one to cram my schedule and not leave time for myself and for loved ones. For the past couple months, I have been thinning out my schedule; learning put myself first; and to say "no" to things. Lately, for the past few weeks, I will get cancellations from certain obligations which ends up leaving a nice free spot in my day. I've been using that time for myself to just lounge, do something fun, relax or spend time with my hubby. I'm totally allowing myself to be with the free time, instead of packing in something else which is usually my first instinct. But instead, I take a breath and just be with it. I feel a sense of ease and space open up inside of me. I just want to acknowledge this FULLY because it's something that I was never really conscious of before.

I feel the universe is there to take care of all of us. It's just a matter of how much you ALLOW yourself to do so.

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