Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time to practice

I have added another declaration to my list:

I will practice yoga at least 3 times a week

You think being a yoga teacher you would have lots 'o time. Nope! It's not always that way. Working a fulltime job and going to massage school can definitely make it difficult at times. However, last night, I got home from work, changed my clothes and rolled out the mat. I didn't allow my mind/head to get in the way of that action, no way! I began doing gentle movement to warm up my body; sun salutations came next and then prepping for backbends. I love backbends and it's a workshop I am going to teach really soon. As I took myself in and out of about 4-5 backbends of Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow or wheel), I could feel my heart center bursting open with pleasure and relief. I could feel it from my head to my toes and then back up to my head. It was a total somatic/body experience. Then I transitioned into inversions: headstand and shoulderstand. After shoulderstand, I once again felt that surge of energy, but with a sense of calmness and peace. It was like that feeling I used to get when I first began doing yoga. When you just smoked pot for the first time and you have that floaty feeling. I then realized how much I missed my practice. My time to myself and with my body.

When I was in savasana, I basked in it. I allowed my body to let go and integrate everything I experienced in the practice. I visualized myself teaching what I just practiced and that felt so good. I ended in a seated position and chanted "Om".

I want more of that now. Even if I have limited time, I want to be there again. I will be.

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