Thursday, July 7, 2011

I AM Worthy!

A statement such as the title of this post was never in my language at a time. In the past, I believed that I didn't deserve anything better. I believed that I was selfish for wanting more or something else than what I already had. Now, the more I'm grateful for what I have, MORE shows up! I believe we all deserve what we want, and if we want more, so be it!

I was inspired to write this post from a blog I follow called The Daily Love. The author/owner talks about how if we believe we aren't worthy or deserving of better things for our life (in relationships, health, career, etc.) , it can prevent us from moving forward toward how we want to be and live. It's all about owning your power, but most importantly, REMEMBERING that we have our own power. The power to choose and love whoever and whatever you want to do with your life. The power to CHANGE anything in the moment.

I am experiencing growth in my healing business. I asked for it, and the best part is that I'm receiving it and enjoying it. I catch the chatter when it says, "you don't deserve it" or "I'm not strong enough, so I can't handle it". When I hear that in the background, I know it's those old patterns and ways of being. I know that it's not ME. It's old stories that I picked up or learned over the years. I know of many times when I tried something new because I wanted to do it, and did it. When there are stumbles along the way, I know, now, to keep going. How are we going to know , if we don't try? Who cares what others think! Isn't it about what you/I/we want?

These are the experiences that feed our mind, body and spirit. They shakes us up, to wake us up! Aaahh, now that's refreshing!

What do you do to shake up your life?

If any of this (even a little bit) resonates with you, I invite to read more of the post on The Daily Love here.

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