Thursday, April 29, 2010

what a week

i don't know how else to say it.  emotions, decisions, choices, trusting, not-trusting, being, doing, believing it will be okay.  i've had to work with trust this week.  i'm going back to the east coast to see my nana, which was a hard decision to make.  a lot of mental chatter about going back this weekend, as oppose to next weekend was pretty loud and obnoxious.  but i had to listen to it. i had to listen to it as an observer because it's so easy to get caught up in it!  i had to hear it like a radio. a dj just blabbing about whatever, because, ya know, it is whatever.  thanks for sharing all of that with me, but, really, what's really happening! 

i'm want celebration and appreciation!  i'm celebrating my first massage client! i'm celebrating family, friends, technology for communication, colleagues who pull through, emotions and ME! let's celebrate who we are, just as we are, whenever, wherever, however. 

it's all perfect. 

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