Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Notes for work-in-progress performance piece


two energies embodying eaches energies emotions bodies cycles pain mustered unforgiving drawbacks silouhetted paralled engaged acknowledged being women feminine support against conflicted struggle with away we are the same together every time pacing frustration sexual tension ovulating cramping bloated why must it be that way everyone every woman today past future young old youthful dried up it stops it doesn't goes on chemicals hormones sweat tears rage laughter release inside outside wallow abrupt candle flowing air earth water fire ground float or not

When I'm developing new work from new ideas, I usually free write after I play with movement.  It's a process I adopted from teachers and collaborators in my life.  I love doing this exercise because punctuation is not required.  Yes I could edit it after and make it into a crazy poem.  But, wow, the ideas that come out; the way the words are paired or proceed one another; and the context (if there is any).  It's very therapeutic to free-write like this in whatever state you're in.  Try it!

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