Thursday, July 22, 2010

where is it?

I'm feeling a little distraught about my menses.  Where are they?!  Ever since, I had to get the mirena (IUD), every time it's that time-of-the-month, it builds, and builds, and builds, then, nothing happens.  It may happen a little here and there, but this has been one of the those weeks where I feel like I'm going to explode!  Is it my diet? Am I doing too much?  I ask these questions over and over, but I feel like something should happen regardless.  My face is one big zit, I'm cranky/tired, and feel that heaviness all over my body.  But nothing.  Where the hell is it? When it's not there, I don't feel natural. I don't feel woman or feminine. 

I'll be seeing that doctor for my annual, and I'll be able to talk to her then about it.  Of course, I have to wait two weeks. Can I wait that long?  I know I can, but do I want to.  My mind says, "buckle down, you'll be okay."  I know I will be, but I feel like shit about this.  What can I do to make myself comfortable?  Yoga! Massage! Some self-care always does help.  I guess at this point, I just want my body to do something.

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