Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Ballet

I went to see the San Francisco Ballet perform, Giselle, last night. I hadn't been to the ballet in about 10 years! I've mostly been going to modern or contemporary performances, and some really avant garde stuff. I even did ballet for 5 years, from 5-10 years old. But then I got bored and wanted to do different dance.

HOWEVER, watching those professional ballet dancers was so exciting and mind-blowing! It's amazing the control they have in and with their bodies; to go from spinning in pirouettes 10 times--I don't know how many times-- and then stop so sharply without panting, it blows my mind. I was gasping with the rest of the audience, especially when watching the men dance. They have such different strength that they can propel themselves up into air, spinning at least four times in a row, then land ever so softly. I loved hearing the quiet, pidder-padder of the group of women dancers, shuffle across the floor, all in unison, so elegantly.

Although the story was quite sad, what a treat it was to see the ballet! I want to see more!

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