Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A slow descent and rise

I'm getting more and more clear about what's alive for me. It's funny because I could feel it calling me over the past year. Massage is one of those things, which I'm doing already as I complete my clinic hours.

But the big thing for me is my movement practice: butoh and performance. It's been calling me for awhile now and I feel I need to answer it. I already began cutting back on my yoga teaching without really knowing why. I mean, I knew why. I just had too much judgment of myself about it. The "clear" is coming through with acceptance. Acceptance of what is. Right now I like teaching two classes a week. It's just interesting that I have realized now, that I've been making this slow descent away from it.

So, now it's about rising up to meet my movement practice. To spend more time with it. To embrace it and let it embrace me. To hold what fires me up and makes me feel alive. To be present with all I am while moving. To breathe. To love.

After taking the Katsura Kan workshop, that love came back to me. That drive to create, experiment, share, and teach. I will always incorporate my love of yoga with my movement practice because I really can't not. So let that love rise and feed me with all its glory and beauty, because it's gonna be fun rise to up and meet it.

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