Tuesday, March 8, 2011

5 Signs You Might Take Yoga Too Seriously

This blog post from the Yoga Journal Blog, Nectar, cracked me up! 5 Signs You Might Take Yoga Too Seriously | Top Five Tuesdays | Yoga Blog | Yoga Journal.

I know why because I used to be like that! It took awhile to let go of some of these beliefs, especially #3 and #5. Although, I know now I didn't believe it truly, I believe I took on some of my teachers' beliefs and philosophies about that style of yoga, especially in teacher training. Then with #5, I went to a vinyasa-style class, had a blast, but then swore I would never do that again and stick with one style.

Come on! Yoga is yoga. There are many different styles and that's great, but to each his own. There's a style for everyone. I, personally, love practicing and teaching vinyasa/flow style, but I incorporate lots of tools and techniques from my style of training, Iyengar. I can't help but LOVE the focus of alignment and action in the poses. I've studied with teachers, who do the same as well.

So check these signs out. If you've been practicing yoga for many years, you'll get a kick out of it (I hope ;-):

1. You're mortified when you fall out of Tree Pose in class.

2. You feel an uncontrollable urge to correct people when they pronounce Sanskrit words with an American accent. (You also have to bite your tongue when you hear your 5-year-old niece refer to Baddha Konasana as Butterfly.)

3. You think your teacher, your studio, or your philosophy of yoga is the only right one. You use air quotes or roll your eyes every time you say "fitness" yoga.

4. You freak out if someone takes your place at the front of the class or puts his shoes in your cubby in the lobby.

5. You felt guilty when you take a Pilates class, and vow never to "cheat" on yoga again.

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