Friday, March 11, 2011

Releasing and going with the flow

I'm celebrating because a lot of my March Intentions are happening! This week: I attended a wonderful yoga class last night at Divine Essence Yoga in Potrero Hill; also did a yoga dvd; I ran 5.2 miles one day; I completed one of my papers for a massage class; I spent quality time with my hubby a few times this week; I've celebrated something I'm grateful for everyday; and I've been super present with my emotions and reactions. I would love to give an example of everything, but, quite honestly, I could do a blog post for each of those things! One day.

I received a massage yesterday by a friend and fellow classmate. I didn't think I needed it as much as I realized. She integrated swedish, deep tissue and Vibrational Healing Massage. The Vibe work is what REALLY helped me release a lot. There is an area of my back where it gets knotty, and when Massage Therapists go over that area, it jumps like an electric charge. It doesn't hurt, and I always reassure them of this. The area my friend worked on was on the left side of my spine, by the erectors and lower ribs. The knot was so tight and sharp. But she continued to do the finger-work from the Vibe technique on this area. I continued to breathe, make sounds, and even voiced some things that came up such as, "It's time to go", "You're no longer serving me", "I want softness." Then the release happened. I began to cry very hard and I let myself go to release all the energy around that area. My friend kept working there and guiding it out. My legs and feet tingled. After I cried, I felt fabulous!

It all made sense to me, and even more now. As I had set those intentions (in a previous post), things began to happen. I decided to go with the stream of the river, instead of against it. Also, that spot in my back has been a collection bin of things of the past, old patterns, and a general holding.

It feels good to move it out, and move on. What things of the past are you still holding on to? If you could let them go, how would you feel? What would your life be like?

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