Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 Reasons Why I Won't Detox This Year from Yoga Journal Blog

5 Reasons Why I Won't Detox This Year | Top Five Tuesdays | Yoga Blog | Yoga Journal

I thought about doing a cleanse myself, but when I read this list from the Yoga Journal Blog (click on link above), I agreed and resonated immediately with the first point. The only cleanse I've done, once a year for the past 4 years, is cut out wheat, gluten, and dairy for a couple weeks/14 days. There is a 3 day hump you have to get through, and then your body starts its "adjustment period." It's different for everyone, and I think you have to try the different types of cleanses out there to find out. I've also learned from yoga teachers and holistic health practitioners that it's important to be with those feelings and thoughts about depriving yourself of food. What emotions come up about abstaining from your favorite foods that may contain sugar, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup. dairy, wheat, etc.?

It's important to check in with yourself about cleansing, and talk to a health professional who would be able to guide you. What are your thoughts on cleanses and detoxing?

1. It's a little too much like a crash diet. I'm sure cleansing feels GREAT for some people, but my experience was that it felt a little too much like a punishment--like I had to deprive myself because I'd eaten poorly the rest of the year. Plus, if you buy into the part of yoga philosophy that says we're perfect the way we are (including our flaws), cleansing seems like a moot point.

2. I trust my body to "cleanse" on its own. My yoga practice has empowered me to trust my body's strength, wisdom, and defenses. I also believe that if I pay attention to my body's signals, I should naturally gravitate toward "clean" foods, anyway. Mindful eating seems a lot more balanced to me that a restrictive diet.

3. My intentions weren't quite right. I pondered the idea of another cleanse because I love the idea of releasing toxins from my body. But when I was really being honest with myself, that's not the biggest reason I considered it. First of all, my teachers and mentors cleanse every year. I look up to them, and I want to be disciplined and serious about yoga like they are. Second, it's a way to lose a few unwanted pounds. That's not the purpose of a cleanse, and if it's even in the back of your mind I think it could be a very dangerous undertaking.

4. I don't have the support system in place right now. The last time I tried a cleanse, I did it with a friend. Through the entire experience we chatted about what we were going through, compared notes, and supported each other. This was my saving grace, and I don't think I could have done it without the extra support. This year, I'm on my own--and I know that's not a recipe for success for me.

5. There aren't enough yummy fruits in season in the spring. The last cleanse I did called for eating only fresh fruits and veggies for several days. I didn't really crave things I wasn't supposed to eat, but I found myself really hankering for juicy peaches and watermelons. But, alas, these things weren't in season yet!

Are you planning to cleanse this year? Why or why not?

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