Monday, March 14, 2011

Acknowledgment is in order!

It's been an amazing experience attending the World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts. I have been blessed to meet the people I've met over the past 2 years I've been attending classes and trainings, and I will continue to keep my connections there.

I had the pleasure and honor of being acknowledged and celebrated at graduation yesterday. All that hard work and time really has paid off. So I acknowledge myself for my love and desire of healing work through massage and coaching. I acknowledge my confidence because there was a time in the past I felt I didn't have any. I also acknowledge my husband for his patience, support and sense of humor because I don't know what I would have done without it!

So I want to celebrate this week. ME! For committing myself to the massage program and all that it is. Being in that community yesterday inspired me more and more. I can't say what it is specifically, it's a general feeling of empowerment and confidence. But HUGE! I'm looking forward to what unfolds ahead, and receiving it openly.


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