Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5 Ways to Take Yoga to the Office

5 Ways to Take Yoga to the Office | Top Five Tuesdays | Yoga Blog | Yoga Journal

Well said! I totally take this practice into consideration at my office job. I do see other coworkers do it, but not a lot of them! I teach yoga at work once a week at lunchtime, and in my ideal world, I would probably teach yoga there everyday! But, of course, at least I'm grateful to be able to share it once a week, and emphasize how important it is for your body, mind and spirit to step away from the desk, stretch your muscles, go for a stroll around the block, and breathe.

I know we have busy times at work, but could we take 5 minutes each day to do any of the following?

1. Stretch often. There are lots of poses you can do right in your desk chair. My favorite desk stretches are seated twists (using the arm rests for extra traction), Cow Face Pose, and--when no one is looking--seated Cat-Cows and Tolasana from my desk chair!

2. Surround yourself with inspiration. I have an inspiration board up on my cubicle wall with quotes, notes from friends, and pictures. When you're surrounded by things that inspire you, it uplifts everything you do.

3. Listen to kirtan. I love listening to music while I work, but songs with lyrics are distracting when you work with words. Kirtan is soothing and reminds me of my yoga practice, and the fact that I don't understand the words is a bonus because I can just enjoy the vibrations.

4. Take advantage of trips to the bathroom, water cooler, and the printer. I walk slowly, take everything in, and make it into a walking meditation practice.

5. Take a deep breath every time you get an email. This is my trick to manage stress and communicate mindfully.

What creative ways do you practice yoga at work?


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