Monday, March 1, 2010

Money: A Love/Hate Relationship

I love money and I hate it.  What I would really like is to love it.  So why do I hate it too? This is an area of my life that I would really love to investigate further, but for now, this blog entry is probably going to be a rant and vent, so thanks for listening.

I guess I love money when I can actually use it towards things that are pleasurable such as trips, eating out, shopping, etc. Who doesn't?  I hate it when I have to pay a credit card company who jacked up their interest rates a gazillion times.  I don't mind money when I have to put it towards things like my car, for example, car insurance, gas, etc.  I love having a car and with a car, comes maintenance.  So that's fine. Rent. I could complain about the rates 'til the cows come home, but honestly I choose to live in an expensive city/area.

Now, I could go down the list of things and justify it, but I'll totally bore myself and repeat myself because I know why my money goes where it goes.  Presently, the primary obstacle that I have been running into is that I find out about certain yoga or dance workshops, classes, trainings that I'm interested in but can't put the money down.  Then I go into this whole shpeel that if I didn't have to pay this or that bill I could go. But what ends up happening is that I go down this negative spiral and end up blaming myself for all the debt I created in my life.  I feel sooooo done doing this to myself! My relationship with money has been a roller coaster these past few weeks and before that I thought I was doing okay.  So what gives? I would love to attend a workshop about money relationships, but you have to spend "money" to go. Hahahaha! See.

I, honestly, know deep down that I'm okay. Financially, I'm making it okay.  So why do I feel myself wanting more now! I feel worth more than what I'm making.  I've read about the Law of Attraction.  I always try to use those principles in order to get into a more positive vibe about money.  I guess there are those times when it just gets overwhelming, especially during the unknown times.  When you really don't know when money is going to come in.  It can be scary.  But it's going to be okay.


Stella said...

Hi Liz,

Thank you for this post. I actually wrote about this exact same topic on my personal/private blog because my relationship with money is different this year. I'm making it different. It's my year of wealth..whatever that is going to mean for me. I called my post "The Balancing Act" because that's how I feel with money.

I was reading a book the other day and they quoted an old Eastern guru. He said, "Before enlightenment: chop wood, fetch water. After enlightenment: chop wood, fetch water."

This made me laugh because even if we get that law of attraction down perfectly , we will STILL have to work and deal with money. There is no way around it. It's the human condition and we're part of humanity.

However, I do finally feel my thoughts becoming less obsessed with money and more zen. I've been able to treat myself better with money and hopefully make a few decisions that are wiser this year than the year before. But, like I said, it's a balancing act.

I came from a familly that taught me I would be married by 21 and that the man would just earn the money and I would raise the babies. So, I didn't plan as well for my future career because of that. I find that I have to look at things in a new way now and try to take joyin the fact that I get to take care of myself!

Unknown said...

I agree that it is a balancing act too. It's also good to look at it in different ways, which is exactly what I'm trying to do as well. For me, it's definitely a lot of soul searching and also having a lot of self-acceptance.

Stella said...

self acceptance is WHERE IT'S AT!! Keep doing an amazing job!