Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Ovular" performance piece

Finally got my performance piece, Ovular, up on video. This is a duet with Deborah Butler/Kitsunebutoh. Hope you enjoy! You can play it on my blog or click the word, Ovular, below the video.

Ovular from Liz Filippone on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So I guess I'll...

I haven't really been inspired to write lately. Or maybe I have and I'm just thinking about it too much.  So I guess I'll just start writing and see what happens. 

This past weekend I was suppose to have my last massage class EVER, and it was cancelled. Unfortunately, I wasn't notified, so I showed up and was told that it was canceled. Oh well. But WAITA MINUTE! Then again this is how my school operates sometimes, and everyone knows it.  So that annoyed me, but I was happy I didn't let it ruin my weekend because the weather was beautiful here.  I also got to attend a free two hour workshop on Optimizing Your Health. Another plus! But it's healthy to rant, right? Right!

I'm also preparing an application for a performance series.  I want to present some recent work I did with my friend/collaborator, so I've been kicking myself in the butt to get that done. However, I'm close and it's due this Thursday, so I've got time on my side.

So I guess I'll just rant (which I pretty much just did).  Right now, I wish I didn't have to work my day job.  Right now, I want to teach, connect, share, dance, show, be, run, jog, laugh, cry, scream...I think the list could go on, but I'm gonna stop there before something happens at my work desk right now, where I  scare or trigger someone (like my boss) around me. 

Wow, sometimes ranting can make it all good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Five Ways to Make More Time for Yoga

I had to share this wonderful information from a blog I follow;  in fact it's a great reminder to myself that I really can practice yoga ANYWHERE! A little really does go a long way, and if you keep up with it, you'll find yourself practicing yoga a little longer each time.

Enjoy and be well!

From: Top Five Tuesdays
5 Ways to Make More Time for Yoga
September 14, 2010
by Erica Rodefer Winters
1. Write It In Your Calendar, To-Do List, (And Set an Alarm!) In my experience, when something becomes a habit it's easier to stick to. So if you want to be at yoga class every Tuesday at 6 pm, have your computer or phone send you a reminder at 4:30, and again at 5, and 5:15. And don't let anything else get in the way!
2. Expand Your View of What Yoga Is. If you feel like you don't get enough yoga in, it might be time to think about all the little things you already do in your normal life and infuse them with mindfulness and breath. The five-minute break you take to chat with your friend in the office might not be what most people think of as yoga, but if it helps you become more balanced and aware--it's yoga.
3. Practice While You Drive, Stand In Line, Sit at Your Desk... And So On. If you need to stretch to feel like you've done yoga, there's no reason you can't do that in little spurts all day long! Practice Tadasana while you stand in line at the grocery store. Take breaks from your computer every hour to do a shoulder opener and a twist. The possibilities are endless. (If you need more examples read my blog post "Yoga Everywhere, and I Mean Everywhere!")
4. Make Yoga Top Priority. There will be days when the thought of peeling yourself off the couch and away from your favorite reality TV show is a struggle. When this happens, remember how great you feel after yoga--you feel energized and more balanced. That's way more important than So You Think You Can Dance or what someone you've never met has to say to Twitter, right?
5. Forgive Yourself. Don't forget that a big part of the practice is letting go of attachment--and that includes the attachment to your daily asana practice! So when something comes up that throws you off schedule and you just can't make it to the mat, try not to beat yourself up about it. It's part of the flow of life. Yoga isn't going anywhere, and neither are you. Try it again tomorrow!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Power to the Peaceful Festival

It was a foggy start, but the sun burst through it on such an amazing day.  On Saturday, it was the 12th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival in Golden Gate Park. It was my second time attending, but also my last :-(  Since I'll be moving back east next summer, I'm so grateful that I managed to surround myself with such inspirational, celebratory people, music, and events.

At 9am, I gathered with about hundred other people for the community yoga class in front of the main stage.  It was taught by four--pretty well-known--yoga teachers, including many assistants, who wondered among the students offering adjustments.  It was still pretty foggy, but you could see the sun making it's way through.  However, when Nicki Doane guided us into sun salutations, the sun pierced through the fog so powerfully, we all began hootin' and hollerin'! It really was the most perfect moment, and I could feel the pulse of energy throughout the crowd.  At one point, I honestly got teary-eyed because of the beautiful, inspiring words that the teachers spoke and expressed from the bottom of their hearts.  It was also the anniversary of 911, so that was acknowledged by all.

I wish I got more pictures of the teachers, but I will hold all their wisdom, kindness, and support in my heart.

Then right after savasana, which ended at 11am, the festival began.  An African drumming band opened with such loud, harmonious beats, everyone stood up from their yoga mats and began dancing.  Although I came to the class and festival by myself, I did not feel alone.  Two women that were next to me expressed their appreciation for being able to practice yoga with me and everyone.  I also ran into another fellow yoga teacher who was a few people down from me.  So the connection and community was flowing everywhere and through everyone.  I felt loved and loved everyone.

I decided to wander back to the vendors and food ;-)  I really WISH I could remember the place, but I went to an Indian Food vendor and got a samosa and chai tea. It was Mmmmmmm Good! I enjoyed browsing through the clothing vendors as well. 

My last wander was with the Acroyogis.  I've been able to experience and observe their most fun and healing work.  It's partner yoga, but can include acrobatics and thai massage.  I HIGHLY recommend it!

As I made my way back home through GG park, I got a little emotional again.  I kept thinking I'm never going to experience anything like that again.  I won't ever see those people again.  But what I realized is that I was present in each and every one of those moments I had there.   I allowed myself to be open to connection with strangers, and be with that community and purpose.  It was beautiful and I am inspired.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why are you back?

I was reading about my astrological sign yesterday, Gemini.  One of the traits was something about boredom because Mercury is one of its ruling planets. I don't know much about astrology, but it made sense in some weird, cosmic way. 

Yesterday, sitting at my desk, I was struggling.  Not at a "work" task. Just, in general, struggling.  I was uneasy, restless, bored, frustrated and angry.  Thank God I work with a wonderful individual, who was able to help ease that tension.  After clearing some chatter and identifying my needs under those feelings, the tension level went from a 10 to a 3-4.  I'm happy that I have the tools to support myself when needed.  But those feelings lingered on into the afternoon. It may not have been as intense, but it was still hanging around.  I found relief talking with my therapist.  I realized I haven't really dealt with my money stories yet.  My relationship with money. There's been this ongoing theme around money that tends to visit me every 3 months or so.  It's usually VERY unexpected, and hits me HARD with all sorts of emotions.  So my therapy session yesterday helped me realize that I need to fess up to this ongoing theme. It's like a virus that you think you wiped out, but really it just gestates and hangs out in your body somewhere, until "that something" triggers it, and BOOM! It's back.  Or it's like that on-again-off-again boyfriend/girlfriend, who you keep going back to and you don't know why. They just keep showing up in some way.  It's at this point where you say to yourself, "What is going on and why are you back?"

Frankly, I'm done with my theme! It's a bad relationship that has to end.  I'm ready to move with the fear to move past it.  I'm going to see what my unconscious has to tell me.  Our unconscious is always telling us something in our dreams. Maybe it's time to pay attention.  So why are you back?

....stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Area: Lodi, CA

My husband and I decided to take a little getaway together this past weekend.  His coworker told him about the town of Lodi, which is 30 miles south of Sacramento, in the Central Valley area of California.  It's really in the middle of nowhere, but there are MANY wineries. So we went to two, Harmony and Harney (funny they both start with "H").  I wish I took more pictures of this area, but it was SUPER HOT there and we really didn't stay outside them for very long.  But the people/owners were so pleasant and welcoming we want to go back and explore more wineries...and revisit the same ones.  Both were located on E. Harney Road in Lodi.

Also, we had booked a hotel in West Sacramento, which was a nice deal through Plus, it had a pool. Perfect for the 100 degree heat!  We plunged in there after the wineries, and then relaxed until dinner time, which ended up being in Old "town" Sacramento.  Since it was their annual "Gold Rush" festivities, they had dusted the streets and did a variety of Old West reenactments.

We ate at Joe's Crab Shack, a total, touristy festive experience, but very well worth it!  We split the Dungeoness Crab Legs, along with a sampler to start.  Mmmmmm good! Every 45 minutes, the whole staff have a dance party to one song.  Overall, it was fun and little overstimulating at times.

I love the last minute getaways! We plan to do another one to an area we've never been to in California.  It's so fun to explore and have no plan. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Celebrating the long weekend

I'm celebrating that I updated my website and it's up and running!  I'm celebrating that my insurance company FINALLY gets it! I'm celebrating I get to leave work early! I'm celebrating my husband! I'm celebrating, celebrating, CELEBRATING!

Hope everyone has a nice long, Labor Day weekend! 


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I can't believe myself, but I went running/jogging last night.  This is huge so I acknowledge myself for putting my judgments aside about running and just doing it.  It was mostly walk/run, run/walk.  I'm starting off slow.  My left knee started to tweek a little, and then later on before bed, it was my right hip near the groin area.  I know it's my body responding to the running, but I'm still taking it slow and watching the sensations.

I woke up SOOOO refreshed! It was the best feeling ever.  I felt clear, energized, and ready for the day.  I can't remember the last time I felt this way.  I got up earlier than usual, so I meditated, did yoga and then made myself a fruit smoothie!

Backing up a bit, after my walk/run, run/walk, I was walking back to my apt, when I felt this wonderful, inspiration to do something challenging. I declared that I will run in Bay to Breakers in May! It's a 12K run, but a very non-competitive, laid back, fun run.  It started in 1906 after the big earthquake hit SF, and this event started as a way to bring more high spirits to the city after all the devastation from the quake.  Thousands of people now are running or walking it. It starts at the Bay (Embarcadero area) and ends at the Breakers (Ocean Beach).  There's lot of celebration in the air during this event, and I want to be apart of it. 

Even if I don't run the whole way, I'm going to finish!  My husband is going to join me and whoever else.  Some people dress in costumes, or nothing.  That's San Francisco!  It's like Halloween in the Spring! Wish me Happy Training!